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Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday Mischief: My Beauty Scrapbook

This weekend [without telling anyone] I made it my goal to pay close attention to my surroundings and document the beauty I saw around me. Beauty is certainly a subjective experience, quirky and particular to each person, so I made an effort to be conscious and really take note of what I personally found beautiful in my day-to-day encounters. This is part of a larger personal project I have been working on the past few weeks: to really absorb and appreciate the small things that make life amazing, as well as to listen to that inner voice that drives me [all of us] toward the beautiful and sublime -- a drive which we often ignore in lieu of work, obligations, and even self-censorship. I have also made it a goal to create beauty everyday -- to be active in my own inspiration. I'm no artist, but I feel as if even small things can make such a substantial difference in our ability to turn an average day into an inspiring day. Don't wait...don't make excuses...don't put it off: that is my new mantra!! Here are some ways you and I can bring a bit of beauty into our everyday life this week:

  • Buy flowers for yourself...don't wait for someone else to buy them!
  • Rent a film you have been meaning to watch for ages.
  • Paint your toe nails purple...or yellow, or neon orange. You will smile every time you look down at them.
  • Visit a local bakery and try that delicious pastry, cookie, or cupcake you always convince yourself you don't need.
  • Swing on a swing set.
  • Take a bike ride, and bring your camera along -- stop and take photos of all the lovely things you notice on the way.
  • Experiment with a new recipe you have been nervous about trying.
  • Read something soul-expanding [this week I'm going to delve into Emerson!]

My inspiring week: A sailboat on the river near my apartment /a delicate new tea cup / green hydrangeas at the park / a yummy pesto, artickoke, tomato pizza made [almost] from scratch by me! / fuschia flowers along the bike trail / the syringe building / covered wagon playground / bridges at sunset/ mannequin outside of a garage sale / delicious hors d'ouevres and ice cream-shaped sugar cookies / the Tulsa rose garden / a zen pond...and a lotus! / scenic Wooward park / swinging with my man!