Exactly twenty four hours ago I was curled up on the sofa in a foetal position slowly rocking and talking gibberish to myself about designers, collections and future post features. This blogger was overcome by the menswear sights seen and indeed unseen during an extremely hectic and action packed Menswear Day. It was a fitting culmination of an eventful fashion week. The entire schedule helped cause a sartorial stir or two whilst collectively flying the flag of menswear and tiring me out in the process. Now...where do I begin?
Over the last few seasons Menswear Day has continued to grow and in all honesty, it is close to outgrowing itself. Once again presentations, catwalk shows and film screenings all celebrated the exciting diversity of menswear design talent which uniquely exists in this capital of ours. As always it has been hugely exciting to see stalwarts of Savile Row sit so comfortably alongside high street regulars, established designers and enthralling new talent alike. However, as the talent grows the schedule gets that bit tighter and more frantic. Yesterday was a crazy day. But it was also a great day.
There were so many highlights and there just is far too much to say in one post. From JW Anderson carving out a more luxurious aesthetic and somehow still managing to pull of sherbet leather trousers to E. Tautz elegant sportswear and James Long's mayhem of texture to Matthew Miller's functional wardrobe for the contemporary man to Omar Kashoura's toy solider inspired tailoring. The day had it all and more. So, over the course of the coming weeks, the blog will periodically shine the informed spotlight on the deserved many who brought a gasp, a swoon and even the odd smile. To get the blogging ball rolling I would like to treat you to a plethora of captured moments that left the greatest impression...

I hope my imagery helps demonstrate the diversity of menswear talent that we are treated to in the capital during this special day. The day might have flashed right by my excited eyes but these moments (in addition to many not photographed) confirmed how far Menswear Day has come. If this has whet your appetite for more detail about the day, prepare for more meatier posts in the coming week.