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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We've All Got Them. Here Are Mine:

Dear readers, I've been tagged! This is my first tag, so I'm ridiculously honored and excited. The answers are, as is usual for me, long-winded and wordy. Oh well, I guess there are a few people who don't mind!! Thanks Saavy-Mode!

6 Unspectacular Quirks About Me:

1. I love watching people (i.e. staring). When I lived in NY, my sister would pinch me when we were on the subway because she was embarrassed by how much I stared at people. I just like trying to figure out what people are all about (or at least making up stories about them in my head).

2. I like mixing things together. I think that if things are good by themselves, they must be even better when combined. For example, I will mix three different hair products together in my hand before putting them in my hair – I figure, maybe something magical will happen (?)

3. I don’t like my legs at all, so I rarely wear short skirts without tights or leggings.

4. I actually enjoy organizing and "purging" my closet(s). I am not a pack-rat (though I do have things I keep for sentimental reasons). I probably go through my two closets once every 2 months and take out items I no longer like and take them to the Goodwill. It makes me feel both organized and generous at the same time.

5. I’m not a phone person – I much prefer e-mail or texting. I think I have phone anxiety. I don’t mind a quick chat, but the possibility of a long, drawn-out phone conversation kind of freaks me out. I would rather just hang out in person!

6. I am obsessed about my teeth (too bad grad students can’t afford dental care!). I can’t live without my Sonicare toothbrush and my whitening strips. I just recently purchased this stuff called Oraparx that is supposed to remove as much plaque from your teeth as a dental visit. My other career alternative (to being a college professor, which is the one I chose) was being a dentist. Yes, strange.

I am tagging Sharon Rose Vintage , Cupcakes and Cashmere, Loveology, Stylish Bug, Sarah Millionaire, and Little Molly Cake, because I want to know their quirks too.
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking to them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
6. You can now display this charming dalek image Songy that Style Discovery created when tagged!