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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Confessions of an [Imperfect] Fashionista

This was a fun tag that Airam at Lost in a Spotless Mind challenged me [and you] to do. So I'm passing it on and challenging you to write eight fashionable confessions of your own, put them in a post and dare to be imperfect -- I tag every single person who’s read this post! Let me know if ye be cowards or heroes!

♥ I will often buy cheap accessories and undergarments just so I can spend more money on clothes and shoes. Forever 21, here I come...
♥ I am not high-maintenance when it comes to my hair! I often procrastinate when it comes to cutting and coloring it.

♥ I get so tired of my clothes, so quickly! Even if I splurge on a designer piece...I still get tired of it!

♥ The recession has definitely made me more cautious about spending money...so, I've become a little addicted to shopping on auction sites for good deals.

♥ I rarely use sunscreen on a day-to-day basis...I know it is bad, because I have pale skin, but I just can't get over the smell and greasy feel.

♥ For some reason I really hate it when people wear running shoes [unless they are getting ready to run or just back from a run]. Ok, I WILL admit that these vintage Nike's are kinda-sorta cute...

♥ I love over-the-top, glamorous, fanciful, eccentric fashion...but most of the time, I just stick with the basics. Though I wouldn't mind sporting this Christian Dior to the next party I attend...

♥ I tend to use a lot of perfume. I guess I'm not very sensitive to other people's noses -- I figure if it smells good to me, everyone must want to smell it!