The best way to get rid of damaged hair is to cut it off, sadly, but another thing you can do is let your hair's natural oils do their work! This means stop washing it every day. The oils in your scalp/hair are better than any conditioning treatment out there. If your hair looks greasy after 1 day of shampoo fasting, invest in some dry shampoo (Bed Head's Rockaholic Dry Shampoo works great), just spray it on, and the grease is gone!
Don't over-condition your hair! If you've done deep conditioning treatments over and over, or are leaving your conditioner on for 30 minutes, stop! This may be depositing too much protien on your hair, damaging it even more. Always follow the directions on these products. If it says rinse in 3 minutes and only use once a month, do it!
Steer clear of any heat as much as possible. If you can, let your hair air-dry and skip the flat-iron for a while, They literally fry your hair. If you must use them, ALWAYS have some kind of product on your hair first (S Factor Shine Spray/Heat Protector is my fave, it works great and smells like watermellon jolley ranchers). Also, easy with the color and bleach! They literally eat away at your hair.
Invest in better shampoo. Suave won't do it for you, you need salon quality (yes, there is a difference). Talk to a stylist about what kind, every head of hair is different.
I've had luck with Moroccan oil (also called Argon oil), you can buy it at Sally's. It makes your hair shiny and stronger. A little goes a long way, and it really does work!
Last but not least, and I cannot stress this enough, go get regular trims. Every 6 weeks is advised, but you may need to go more often, especially if you use alot of heat products or have color-treated hair. All these other methods help, but the only way to really get rid of those dead ends is to chop them off.