It's 11.08PM on February the 18th. SO, Max is super sick and has been all day. So I'm here to tend to his every need. I had a MASSIVE sushi lunch with Nikki today which filled me up, till now. Gosh darnit NOW I'm hungry. The only time there is NO chance of getting food. And there's no gluten free foods in the house. Even though Max's mum offered to buy my bread today, I wasn't hungry then. Gosh darnit. BUT I did go shopping today which resulted in me personally getting 2 dresses, a yellow waist belt, and putting the most amazing shoes ever on lay-by at Wittner. And for Max I bought him a tartan scarf, 3 shirts and a waist coat. He doesn't like the waist coat, it's not "him" so I'll be selling it to Rhys for $5. Yes Rhys, $5. Merry Easter. I'm hopefully getting my computer back tomorrow which shall mean I can post photos and shit. What fun. And I'm totally wanting a pair of lace socks.
The other terrible thing about tonight is I will not be able to sleep for hours due to my blasted nocturnalness. And being awake and hungry is NOT much fun. So this is NOT my goodnight post. That will come later.
Good evening.
That sounds good.